Course curriculum

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Course design & Introduction

    1. Day 1 - Behaviour change basics

    2. Day 2 - What is MI, when & how to use MI

    3. Day 2 activity

    4. Day 3 - The problem with advice giving

    5. Day 4 - Your role as a practitioner

    6. Day 5 - Communication styles when integrating MI into your counseling practice

    7. Day 6 - Can MI be used when time is short?

    8. Day 7 - MI & Weight Inclusivity

    9. Join Manage with Motivation

    10. Before you go...

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content


Alka Chopra, RD, CDE

Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator & Creative Entrepreneur

I like to call myself "A Selfcare Dietitian"!
Incase you are thinking that selfcare is taking care of yourself only for your physical & mental health, I will differ with you. In my world "Selfcare" also means taking care of yourself professionally. When you are professionally satisfied it has a positive impact on your physical & mental health.

In the various roles that I have had in my career as a clinical dietitian, as a chronic disease program manager and professor, the one thing that kept coming back to my role/s was designing and facilitating professional trainings. Slowly but surely this became an integral part of my life. I was really enjoying the creation and facilitation process. That became an outlet for my creative outlet. And that is how this idea of creating courses and professional trainings came by.

Hi there, my name is Alka Chopra and I am a Registered Dietitian & a Certified Diabetes Educator. I have a keen interest in adult education and have been working steadily towards refining my skills to teach & train adults.
I hold the following certifications that are all embedded in adult education.

IHC Trainings (Institute for Healthcare Communication):
* Choices & Changes Faculty Trainer

CCMI Certifications (Centre for Collaboration, Motivation and Innovation):
* Brief Action Planning Trainer
* Motivational Training Trainer

Other relevant certifications:
* Certified Diabetes Educator
* Leader Trainer: Stanford Chronic Disease Self Management Program
* Licensed Facilitator: Craving Change
* Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management- Level 1

It is my hope that all courses and trainings in my school will be of great support to you personally and professionally.

So, go ahead and explore the courses, webinars and trainings.

With all good wishes

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CDE Competency Checklist

By completing this course you will be meeting these competencies as laid out by the Canadian Diabetes Educator Certification Board. For other boards please check your board respectively

Category: Education/Research

Competency Number 
8 A
Applies principles of learning to the development of client management plans. .
8 B
Adapts management strategies based on principles of motivational interviewing
8 E
Identifies appropriate use, advantages and disadvantages of various teaching and facilitation methods.
2 B
8 G
Applies the principles of behavioural change to diabetes management.
2 A

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